37-year-old Washington resident Lucas Werner runs a website and a Facebook page touting his belief that younger women produce healthier babies with older men, so it probably comes as no surprise that when he encountered a teen barista at a Spokane Starbucks, he asked her out. Werner, who describes himself on his Facebook profile as "a scientist without a degree in science," explained in a post that the teen barista said he was funny so, after finishing his hot chocolate, he wrote her a note asking her to dinner. The next day when he went to the store, a police officer told him he was banned from the premises.
Werner now feels that this is a case of age discrimination because for someone to work at Starbucks, they have to be 16, which is also the legal age of consent in Washington. He claims there was nothing creepy about him asking out the young teen and since she is an adult, he did nothing wrong that would warrant being banned.
The coffee brand disagreed and in an email to The Spokesman Review said, "We have no tolerance for any such inappropriate behavior or harassment, and we will continue to support our store partners." They also have the right to ban someone from their property if they choose to.
Lucas' website, called Conversation Our Age, is no longer available, but before it went down it included a note the 37-year-old penned asking millennial women to date him. There were also links to articles about how older fathers have babies who wind up living longer lives because they produce kids with longer telomeres, the part of the human chromosome that controls aging.
As yet, Werner hasn't responded to media requests for a comment.
Photo: Getty Images